September 1210

.NET developer tools list

Non-exhaustive list of useful tools:

.NET General

ILSpy (

Open source .NET browser and disassembler.

Or: Telerik JustDecompile, or JetBrains DotPeek, all free tools.


HTTP and webservices



SoapUI (

Handy tool for scanning wsdl & sending SOAP requests.

Xenu's Link Sleuth

Find broken links. Free!


.NET Files and filesystem

Working with CSV files: 


Visual Studio

Slow Cheetah (

Free extension, enables config transforms while debugging.



SQL Dumper (

Free tool. Very useful for dumping SQL data into insert/update scripts.

DB Comparer (

Free tool. Comparing 2 databases. However, it doesn't generate the change scripts to syncronize the databases. OpenDBDiff does.


Open DBDiff (

Free tool. Basically does the same as DB Comparer, but WITH change scripts generation.


SQL Delta (

Commercial tool. Compares database contents, as apposed to schema (like DB Comparer and Open DBDiff do).


 UX and design

Indigo (

Fantastic free tool from Infragistix for creating rich prototypes.



Moo0 System Monitor (

Free tool. Monitor what is hogging your system resources.

SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive (

Free tool. ISO and BIN mounting.

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